Happy Happy 2023 Everyone… I hope and pray that this year will be magical for everyone and that all your dreams and wishes come true. It is a No. 7 year, which means VICTORY in Jin Shin Jyutsu language. So let us all have enormous victory this year for whatever intentions you have put out there and let's manifest it…
The number 7 is also an angel number which symbolises a persons inner wisdom, our self-awareness, intuition, basically many insights into ourselves and others. In numerology 7 describes intellectuals, people who think deeply like philosophers and scholars. It is mentioned that this is Gods number as well. All interesting theories, so if you love the number 7 and you want to manifest new things in life for yourself, this is the year to accomplish that. So lets all start sevening!!!!
With the New Year we have new enrolments beginning for our online training platform and the blended learning where you can come face to face with your tutor and learn online as well. All easy and friendly and very doable for people wanting a Diploma in Clinical Aromatherapy with an International accreditation from IFPA-UK for both courses. Plus let’s not forget you have a 12 month subscription payment plan which becomes more affordable for anyone wanting a Diploma in this art and science.
With the New Year I also have some news to share, I have written a Chapter for a book ’She is Remarkable’ for MENA Speakers as an author and am so excited upon its release in March/April 2023. Plus I am so excited and happy that me and my husband will be going to the end of the world in Mid-February, Antartica… This place has been a dream and something on my bucket list that I need to tick off. Well if you have been to the North Pole why not go to the South Pole, its only fair…. Plus as you might have seen in my previous newsletter my daughter got engaged and we have a wedding to plan for June/July 2023. So honestly there is a lot going on but it is all good.
I am here in Dubai if anyone wants to pop in to have a session or learn some practical hands-on skills or just come and say hello. I am offering Manual Lymphatic Drainage sessions at a reduced rate, so do try it out. After all that partying and festive food, it is time to detox and clean the system. Until next time, be kind to yourselves and keep smiling…