I hope you all had a good February and are looking forward to spring in March. We have been having such lovely weather at present in Dubai, am totally loving and enjoying it.
Well, when spring is in the air, it is all about new beginnings, growth, betterment of ourselves, our health and of course relationships. We have had a good start to the year and of course in February we have had a Palindrome and an Ambigram with 2-2-22 and 22-2-22, very powerful days and numbers. When written as 20022022 the date will read the same from left to right and right to left, plus upside down, amazing. Very high in vibration and it really resonates with me.
At The Holistic Alternatives we have decided to make March a month of blending essential oils, so stay tuned for all the tips and safety aspects of blending essential oils together with the dos and dont's.
We are so very proud to receive NAHA school accreditation and will start teaching the Level 1 and 2 of Holistic Aromatherapy certified by NAHA in USA, so do look out for that as we upload all the material into our online digital training platform. It has been a good start to the year 2022 and we look forward to connect with more of you on our platform.